You may not come to the field if you are feeling ill in any way. Especially, if you have a headache, cough, shortness of breath, or a fever that is above 100.4 ℉. You may return to flying fourteen days after your symptoms have resolved.
You may not come to the field if you are caring for anyone with the Covid 19 virus, or if you have been notified to quarantine yourself by any health authority.
No more the 5 flyers may be at the field at any given time. 1 flyer per pit.
No guests, visitors or spectators.
While at the field, maintain a separation of at least 6 feet between yourself and any other individuals.
Keep the main and field gates closed and locked at all times. This includes the weekends.
No access to the shed. This means if you hit the river there is no access to the rescue boat
Refrain from touching or handling the property of any other members, and the sharing of food or drink.
Follow local and CDC social distancing guidelines
If you’re using the field you are agreeing to follow all the above restrictions